The past few weeks were the longest we have had inport since I joined the Hi'ialakai. During the week I mainly worked per usual, but the weekends were a blast. The first weekend in I spent with my friend Andrea relaxing in Waikiki. One week during the last short inport I went over the island of Molokai, and two of the three weekends we were just in I went back, (for two, three-day weekends!), and on one of those hoped over to Lahaina, Maui for two full days. It has been awesome to relax and explore, and now we are back out at sea for 30 days in the NW HI Islands again. So far, it is a great cruise with smooth seas and night-time CTDs for me again. These photos are of my three different weekends of island hopping, and a few of the cruise before this one. Love to you all.