= (in no particular order): wine; surfing; sushi; healthy food; wireless; yoga space and classes; the beach; alone time; cooking; riding my bike
However, there are incredible new things about my job: Very cool fun people; seeing the coast of Alaska from a boat; living on a boat; not putting on any makeup, drying my hair, caring in general about that stuff...you get the idea; the soy hot chocolate concoction Russell just made me on the espresso machine (seriously); working hard and learning awesome things.
I really do like NOAA so far (OK, not HR). It is nice to think I can do this for a while and then perhaps move around within the organization. I am trying to work my way back to a Charleston vessel (we have 2 there). I have asked this fall or spring to be on the Thomas Jefferson if possible, it is based out of Norfolk. Close to the beloved fam and many of you! The Rainier, which I am on, goes into the drydock for about 16 months starting Oct and so they may farm us out all over.
I wanted to get on and write about how I am in remedial knot tying class but that has been outdone by my launch driving skills. I drove the boat a few days ago in figure eights, no problem. Trying to keep it on a survey line-forget about it! The survey track looked like a snake slither. The coxswain was laughing at me, but he was sweet and helped me get a bit better.
I did yoga on the flying bridge tonight. I have done it on the stern by myself but tonight two guys wanted a little class after their workout. Teaching guys on the boat is a whole different world. Case in point, when they were in one pose and I was telling them to breathe through the pose and I look up and one guy was giving the other the finger (for making him do yoga with him). It was hilarious and fun, I hope they thought so too! It was nice to teach and keep that skill up.
I love you all! Thanks for staying in touch.